Herbarium exhibition in metaverse

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What will you see in the metaverse?

you will see metaverse in youtube version Click me.



   Plant diversity is one of the most valuable knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to disseminate this knowledge to people of all ages genders. KKU herbarium is another way to disperse the knowlenge education. However, when travelers come to an exhibition, there are limitations on space, cost, and time to travel. Therefore, some interested groups may not be able to access the knowledge. Metaverse is another way through which this education can be transferred to those who are interested.
  KKU Herbarium Metaverse is a simulation of the physical KKU herbarium. Along with a sign explaining the details of each part of the exhibition, what each part is, and how important this is a channel that opens for everyone to visit in the meantime, able to interact with each other. Including being able to make an appointment to discuss various matters. which can contain more visitors than the actual area Additionally, we can add unlimited exhibition spaces in the metaverse. For example, the room exhibits a diversity of 4 types of leguminous plants Bauhinia purpurea L. (Purple bauhinia), Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf. (Royal poinciana), Senna surattensis (Burm.f.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby (Scrambled eggs)and Centrosema pubescens Benth (Butterfly pea). which are additional rooms created from real locations. The advantage of metaverse displays is that we can display models of flowers regardless of the season. which such models can look around can zoom in and out and see the details Therefore, the exhibition in the form of a metaverse is a way to allow those who are interested to gain more knowledge about plant diversity. This will lead to understanding, cherishing, and being ready to conserve the diversity of plants to continue
  Developers of the metaverse consists of two parts: creating an environment and creating a display model. The model is crea using photogrammetry techniques. This is a 3D model with multiple photographs.

Project poster

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The website template was borrowed from Michaël Gharbi.